When I got home from work today, a white Subaru was parked out front with some TUBABOU (white people) sitting in it. The driver got out of his seat, and I could tell by the sharp German accent it was Bremen's running partner Franz, although he looked much different without his short runner's shorts on. His wife Francisca was in the car, and he expressed the urgency of my getting ready as the Germany vs. Ghana football game was about to start.
I ran into the house where Bremen was about to walk out with his laptop case. This did not surprise me, as Bremen is a workaholic and has been staying up until the wee hours of the morning to work on the "United Against Malaria" campaign. His stellar work on a football-themed malaria prevention newspaper, which will undoubtedly save lives, can be found here: http://unitedagainstmalaria.org/2010/06/united-against-malaria-world-cup-newspaper-goal/

Just because I was not surprised by his eagerness to multitask during the football game does not me it wasn't grounds for making fun of him throughout the match. I was glad the Germans decided to help.
The Germans also decided to bring their obnoxious German flag to the game and flash it with each goal, burning the hearts of all 2 of the African fans in the "Floyd" bar where we had chosen to watch the game. They were both bartenders. We should've known that this particular bar, named after a UK band, would be both out of Malians' price and style range.
The last African team on African soil ended up losing, but it was a win-win situation as Australia creamed Serbia that game. Franz was able to wave his German flag sans fear of flogging.
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