More than a year has passed since I left you all somewhere
between goats, Haribo candies, and mosquito nets. My life has moved forward and
progressed – I graduated from my MPH program, found myself a solid
international development job working for one of the biggest USAID contractors
in D.C., traveled to Uganda, Mozambique, back to Mali, and now to Malawi, and (let’s
not forget) debuted my back-up singing career in the release of Mageez’s first
From the balcony of my hotel in Kampala, Uganda recruiting proposal staff for a program to
increase nutrition through investment in livelihoods and access to agriculture inputs.
Poolside strategy session in Mozambique, thinking through teaming options for a project to
increase Portuguese reading capacity among 2nd and 3rd graders.
increase Portuguese reading capacity among 2nd and 3rd graders.
Oh Mali, how I still love you...despite your sub-Saharn lands
covered in black plastic "flowers."
Over this same period of time, on the other hand, Mali has significantly
digressed – in the past 3 months, extremist Muslim groups have taken over the
northern region, tearing apart the gem that is Timbuktu and initiating Sharia
law; President Toure has been overthrown by junta soldiers upset with his
response to the situation in the north, only giving more power to those
northern rebels and throwing the country in further disarray, a country who
prior to 2012 had enjoyed peace for over 50 years.
Lush Malawian mango trees
But that’s neither here nor there, as today I am
from sleepy Malawi, a small yet populous country sitting in southern Africa,
sandwiched by Zambia, Tanzania, and Mozambique along the beautiful Lake Malawi.
While the main purpose of my 10-day trip is to provide technical assistance to the multi-million dollar malaria prevention project I’ve been supporting from the home office back in Washington, you may be wondering why am I really here? How did I begin down this path of international development, hopping among what you laymen would call “third world countries,” travelling to neglected corners of the world where there are open sewers, tropical vector-borne diseases, and where Westerners are advised to even brush teeth with bottled water??
While the main purpose of my 10-day trip is to provide technical assistance to the multi-million dollar malaria prevention project I’ve been supporting from the home office back in Washington, you may be wondering why am I really here? How did I begin down this path of international development, hopping among what you laymen would call “third world countries,” travelling to neglected corners of the world where there are open sewers, tropical vector-borne diseases, and where Westerners are advised to even brush teeth with bottled water??
Let’s wind the clock back to 2008, when I realized at the
approach of summer that I would not have the luxury of a junior-year abroad due
to my commitments to competitive college volleyball. Coach would not simply let
me ditch our prestigious Green Wave team for 4 months to go “find myself” in
Europe or Australia. However, this same coach would not be able to tell me no
to a volunteer (could we go so far as to imply, mission?) trip to India. I was
excited to receive the go-ahead from Coach, and even more excited to receive a
traveling stipend from the Newcomb College of Tulane – but this excitement was
quickly drowned away by the tears of my darling mother, Penny McGehee: “Lizzy,
I want to help the children.”
My dad will tell you this story differently. He will
illustrate, with his fictitious words, an intense father-daughter moment where
he tells me, “Princess, do you really think I’d let my only daughter, my ‘Hope
Diamond,’ fly to INDIA by herself? Your mom or I are coming with you, and that’s
He will then follow his description of that make-believe moment
with another one of Jim McGehee’s infamous one-liners, “She chose her mother!”
Don’t let this story fool you, though, it is not the
accurate depiction of what really happened. Sweet Penny had a “calling” and
could not ignore this inner pull she felt to follow her daughter to the
far-East. Sweet Penny came to me with her big, Lebanese eyes and begged me to
allow her to “help the children of India” alongside her precious angel baby.
And there were more tears – when this hodunk Louisiana
mother-daughter team were denied access to board their very first flight to
their very first developing country because of this little thing called a “visa”?
And even more tears – when, while lying under a mosquito net in rural India, trying
to take a nap after having handed out food and delivering first aid to homeless
Indian street kids, mothers, and young drug-addicted men from 6-11AM, the
electricity cut off. Penny’s precious fans stopped working in the middle of the
hottest time of the day during the hottest time of the year in the hottest
place she had ever been.
Sweat bib alert! 2008

It was gold-hunting from that point on. After our early morning first-aid and breakfast shifts, and before we devoted our evenings teaching English to Calcutta’s slum children, Penny would drag me around town like we were following the new gold rush East. We were treating ourselves to gold after treating leprosy patients, wrapping bug-infested train-related injuries, hand-delivering white bread and boiled eggs to hungry, broken families. And our Indian patients and gold salesmen alike loved Penny for the better because of it, “giving back” to the Indian people and economy with her skillset, warm personality, and wad of cash.
Looking back, was the delivery of first aid and handing out
food willy-nilly at train stations, followed by purchasing locally-mined
precious minerals, a good model for sustainable international development? Is
it what catapulted me into this unwieldy professional field? I’ll answer that
with a simple: no.

So, what I DID take home from this roller-coaster trip – what is now referred to as the blessed “mother-daughter bonding trip” in the aisles of grocery stores throughout Lafayette, Louisiana – is that wherever you go and whoever you’re with, you can just do you. My mom was her definitive self, across the world on the outskirts of Calcutta, India, fraternizing with anyone she could talk to. Flashing her smile and sweat bib to anyone she came across, playing her favorite game, Scrabble, during monsoon season, and not being ashamed of treating herself to some nice 22K gold after opening her heart to street kids and drug addicts each morning and night. Penny was drinking tea in the back alleys of Sealdah train station and in generator-produced airconditioning of gold parlors the same way she drinks coffee with clients back home, whether they’re buying a $40,000 townhouse or $4M home. And everyone loved her for it.

In thanks, here is the beginning of a new set of blogs. Because, for whatever reason, Mom seems to like these stupid things as much as she likes that 22K gold!
Happy Mother’s Day to the best Mom gold, or anything else,
can buy!
Awesome post Lizzie! Your Mom reminds me of Papa Duke. She's one in a Zillion. Thank you for putting a gold leaf on our family tree. You're the GREATEST! Cheech