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Wednesday, July 21, 2010

Newsletter: PKCII

Ta da! I’ve uploaded the English version of the newsletter I've created for Project Keneya Ciwara II. Those of you at home can get a sense why I seem to be on my computer all day in Africa, and can see where -- and for what reasons -- I’ve been “au terrain”/“in the field” when I'm not on the comp (I took the pics on the PDF).

I've also been working on short videos, with great W. African music, for each trip we've taken to the field. Hopefully when those are finished I'll be able to upload them.

In the next months, I’ll be training one of the staff here to take over the newsletter once I’m gone. Ideally, the partner offices (Johns Hopkins, Care, Groupe Pivot, USAID) will continue to be kept informed of PKCII’s activities via the newsletter throughout the remaining years of this community health strengthening program. Recently, these donor partners have been frustrated by not knowing where exactly their money is going, and hopefully something as easy as a 2-page document can help keep them updated.

We're also thinking of adding a newsletter in Bambara, the local language, to be sent out via snail-mail to all the 600+ women's groups that we work with throughout Mali. Seeing pictures of themselves and having something like a "Women's Group of the Month" may help keep these women, who volunteer their time as community health workers, motivated to continue promoting family planning, pre-natal consultations, malaria prevention, and community health center visits.

And yes, I absolutely added on the front page that there’s a new colleague, Liz McGehee, in the house!

Newsletter PKCII

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These blogs are written on personal accounts and opinions of my near and far away adventures, so far. They do not in any way reflect the thoughts and opinions of the organizations with which I work.

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